No-Bake, Coconut Chocolate Truffles

We grew up with a recipe for ‘coconut mice’ that was fun to make and tasted so good, that over time we adopted the recipe as one of our own and as we matured, so did the recipe. It’s now become coconut truffles (as seen above) rather than ‘mice’ simply by changing the shape and adding the extra step of chocolate coating. 
The fact that it is only 3-ingredients, is a no-bake and looks incredible, has made it a go-to in our house.

Makes approx.25-30 ‘truffles’⠀⠀ 


  • 210g condensed milk 
  • 210g desiccated coconut plus extra for decoration 
  • 120g icing sugar 
  • 150g milk chocolate 

1) In a bowl, mix the condensed milk, desiccated coconut and icing sugar to form a dough. ⠀⠀ 
2) Create small coconut balls weighing between 18-20g each. (Or use a tsp for convenience) Set aside or in the fridge whilst melting the chocolate for Step 3. ⠀⠀ 
3) Melt the milk chocolate over a bain marie and coat each coconut truffle. Place on greaseproof paper and sprinkle with more desiccated coconut whilst chocolate is still wet.⠀⠀ 
4) Place on the side to set completely, then keep in an airtight container until ready to serve.⠀⠀ 
Top tips to jazz them up: 
1) Add food colouring in Step 1 to make it fun / match a colour theme⠀ 
2) Make royal icing and drizzle over the top of the truffles once the chocolate has set. Alternatively, drizzle melted white chocolate over the top. 
3) Sprinkle with a little edible glitter⠀⠀ 
4) If serving individually at a dinner party etc, place each truffle in a mini, cupcake case.⠀⠀ 
5) To make it ‘child inclusive’ and create coconut ‘mice’ use a spoon to mold the coconut into the shape of a ‘mouse’, add 2 chocolate chips for the eyes and rainbow laces for a tail.⠀ 

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